day 3, 6 am - north of mumbai
so the whole train thing didn't exactly work out. i knew i was wait listed and that the train
was the only major piece of my itinerary that wasn't fully baked...and it didn't
work out. I made it up to #7 on the
wait list but didn't make the final cut.
the whole train was sold out on all classes. I was immediately mobbed by a bunch of shady
characters who wanted to "help" me get on the train. at first i was stoked though wary of their
eagerness to help (oh this is that friendly Indian attitude people always talk
about!!)...only to very quickly realize that they were just scalping
tickets. locals pay ~$45 for the ticket
i wanted. i had put down $78 at the
foreigners rate, they were asking $180.
i explored a few other options by train but finally called in a lifeline
by calling the driver who had been taking me around Bombay.
as i waited for him to come pick me up, i sat out front of
the bus station with the porters, hoping that the scalpers would leave me alone
if i did so (they did). the porters
offered me a seat on one of their baggage carts which i gladly accepted. i had been mulling about the train station
with my pack on for the last 2 hrs and was stressed and over it.

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I took an Eagle AC Sleeper Bus 14 hrs north to Udaipur |
whats not so hot about this particular turn of events is the
small fact that the bus company didn't have any buses running to the places i
actually wanted to go - Jaipur and Delhi - but got me close (7-8 hr bus ride
away from Jaipur) by putting me on a bus
to Udaipur (that was some fun back and forth...i was like Jaipur? he responds Udaipur. like no, you idiot, it's a diff
town LoL). Udaipur is still a great step
in the right direction...something like a 14 hr bus ride north from Bombay (Mumbai)...but
i have no idea how i'll get to either Jaipur or Delhi when i get there.
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Tuk Tuk from Udaipur Bus Station into Old Town |
that combined with the fact that i still haven't showered
since arriving in India had me in quite a state. after boarding the bus, i immediately passed
out...around 630 as my body is still adjusting to the massive time difference we transferred buses once where i kinda
freaked out and jumped up quickly from my nap to follow the one guy on the bus
who spoke any English as i knew i was going on the same route as he was. i then fell back asleep for several hours
until i woke for the first potty break and let me say...if you think roadside
stops in the us are bad...well....yeah, let's just say that they are several
orders of magnitude "not better" here. there are squatty potties and normal urinals
but it just smells horrible. after, i'm
torn between not washing my hands (the whole don't drink the water thing) and
washing them. i ended up washing them and realized that i had hand sanitizer in
my bag :) i'm just glad it was dark because the potty smelled (and it wasn't a
porta was a full blown bathroom) like something died in one of our
porta potties minus that blue pseudo clean porta potty smell that at least
attempts to cover the horrid smells. i
just tried to get in, do my business and get out without breathing too much of
it in.
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Old Udaipur Alley |
i ran back to the bus and jumped in my bunk, not wanting to
be left behind. it's actually a fairly
nice bus. as we started moving again, i
was again overwhelmed by fear and a feeling of total helplessness...that i'm
off in some "Arab" country...with dirt roads, trash everywhere, a
foreign language and a few Christmas lights strung up here and there to
celebrate the festival of lights...and that's all probably very true...but what
i realized after several hours of that is that i'm just sitting here living in
fear. this is basically what i love t challenge others to do and what I've said
i want to challenge in myself - fear.
not just any fear, because we should be afraid of cobras, ninjas and
great whites...but unwarranted fear.
fear because we do not understand.
i should not be afraid of "Muslims" i should not be afraid of
people with turbans or people who speak a different language and look at me
like i'm weird. i am weird. i'm the one who speaks a different language...i'm
the outcast, travelling halfway across the world to India. so i'm challenging my fear and not based on
any conscious realization or enlightenment that I've had but more so on the
basis of my faith.
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Walking under the Festive Udaipur Diwali decorations |
one of my favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 "'my
grace is all you need. my power works best in weakness' so now i am glad to
boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
that's why i take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, persecutions,
hardships and troubles that i suffer for Christ. For when i am weak, then i am
strong." this verse resonates deeply with me because it helps me to see
that God never had it in his plan for me to be good at everything and very
clearly tells me that its on purpose. i
look at this like 2 line graphs, overlaid (cause i'm a dork like that)...when
i'm doing something i'm naturally good at...maybe computers...maybe in debate
class whatever...i can do that all on my own and i can do it well. God has given me all the tools that i need to
do it well. i don't need to lean on god
in those lets say that graph is 100% me, 0% God (or maybe 95/5 ;)
). in those moments, i can glorify god
by doing my best and working as hard as i can to glorify the god that built me
the way that i am. on the other end of
the graph as my strengths are at or near 0, that's where i don't have a choice
but to lean on God. those are the
moments i hate because i'm awkward and to be honest, stubborn in those (these)
moments. that's when i don't have a choice but to lean on God and just give it
up. "God, i don't have what it takes
to glorify you in this moment, please work through me to glorify yourself
through me." those are the moments when God does amazing things and we are
humbled. when we give it to him to take
charge "dude, you know i'm lost here/frustrated here/pissed off here/afraid
here. please help!"...he is glorified because he gets to work. we humble ourselves, he is glorified and in
return, our faith is built. win win. anyways.
it's in taking that step and acknowledging that he is working...that we want
him to work...and need him to work that we are reaching out to him and he loves
that. its like when Asher asks me to
help him put his shoes on (because "dad, i can't")...i love it. it
just melts my heart.
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Udaipur Temple Detail |
so saying that, in these moments where i'm living
and acting out of fear, i'm resisting what God wants to do in me and through me
in the moment. and there have been a lot
of those moments on this trip. I feel
pretty dumb that it took me this long to realize what i was doing and how i was
reacting...i was out here like "I got this...this is where i show everyone
how strong i am and how bold i am" nope buddy, you couldn't be more wrong.
this is where i get humbled and get to give it up to god to hold me up, to work
through me and to glorify himself. plant
yourself on your fat face Kyle...
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Colorful Old Udaipur |
we just stopped at another roadside stop and i realized why
the toilets smell so bad...they aren't actually pee into
drains on the ground under the urinal...and drains to a pipe that just runs
onto the ground outside...holy moly batman...not awesome. i'm just glad i
haven't been eating more otherwise i would have had to go number 2 and
experience a whole different level of pleasant.
this place was a dirt lot with a cement building in the back and the
pottys on the side. the back building
had a kitchen where i ordered a "sala dosa" and a tea for a little
less than a dollar. the sala dosa was
like a large crispy crepe served with 2 dipping sauces (well...i have no idea
what they were for, i dipped :) ). one tastes like a spicy tomato soup, the
other was creamy and fresh.
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Bus Station with Awesome Pottys and Food |
i ate it
quickly so as to not be left behind...and ended up having some time left over
to sip my tea and talk with the English speaking guy. he said we are 2 hrs out from Udaipur. we have formally entered the state of Rajasthan (pretty sure i totally horked that spelling) and the land has shifted
to something much more familiar to me.
the tropics of the south have dried up to something almost completely
resembling the familiar Santa Maria landscape of dry, rolling hills with trees
resembling oak and eucalyptus. it's
borderline desert with farming communities dotting the hillsides. there are a
lot of cows and similar beasts roaming the hillsides as the sun comes over the
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Udaipur Palace |
these guys love to use their horns (the cars)'s
effectively the only form of traffic control in existence and simultaneously
means "hey i'm passing" "get out of the way" "i'm in
front" "seriously, move" and other fun
matter what time of day. i'm excited for
this leg of the journey to wrap and see where i land. it's supposed to be cooler up here which is
very interesting. i think we are headed
into some large desert that crosses from India to Pakistan which adds it's own
layer of foreboding to the mix. map it
and you'll have a better idea than i as to where i am :) i have a single map
with Udaipur on i roughly know where i am and where i need to get...but
it feels odd. anyways...
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